Okay, I'm having hard time functioning today. A little background. Saturday I had major league "d" and I took an imodium. Stopped me right up. Didn't have another bm until Monday afternoon and I had several bouts of "d". Nothing at all yesterday but this morning I have this really full feeling. First time I went to the restroom it was normal but it really hurt when I went. Not razor blade kind of hurt but more of a sharp ache in my rectum. Second time I went it was explosive but only a firm, thin, snake like stool came out. Really weird. But it really hurt again. I really think something is going on inside but I just don't know. I still haven't heard back from the doctor about
my x-ray. Just the medical assistant and she said the x-ray report showed nothing. I'm still having bad tailbone pain.
I am having a hard time keeping my eyes open this morning. How many cups of coffee can a person drink before they overdose on caffeine? LOL
I know this is TMI but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this.