Hi all,
I am a 29 year old female, diagnosed in July of this year with Crohn's. I was suffering since early March and decided to go to a GI becasue of all the symptoms. Here I am all these months later treating what they have told me is Crohn's disease. I am not happy and not really over it yet. I'm lingering in denial a bit.
Well, I am on Prednisone, Remicade, Pentasa, and 6mp (Doc is getting me from every angle now, since the Pentasa after trying to lower steroids wasn't doing the trick). I'm functioning better but still on sick leave from work.
I am getting married in May 08 and would like to start a family within a year... I am not getting any real answers from my doc on how long I'll be on the 6mp, Remicade, Pentasa and how this all will prolong or prevent pregnancy? To top it all off, I have endometriosis and have concerns about my ability to conceive as I get older. I have heard the song and dance about pregnancy that it's "better to be in remission on the drugs then in full blown Crohn's with no drugs."
So any ideas on the Crohn's, drugs and pregancy? What am I up agaisnt?