Hi, I am a mom who's son was diagnosed with Crohn's. So I know how it could be disturbing to hear such a news. When my 21 year old son was diagnosed in July 2007, I took it pretty bad and cryed all the time. I went into a depression which I am still taking medication for. The medication helped me a lot but coming here and being able to express my deepest concerns and fears and getting answers from all the wonderful people on this forum, is what made the difference and has helped me the most, to feel better and educate myself about this darn disease! I felt that I had someone to talk to anytime, anywhere and I could talk without being scared of anybody knowing how I really felt. (in my real world). People here are just amazing and if you could talk to your mom and invite her to come and visit us, she will be able to communicate and not feel as lonely.
I wish you and your sister and of course your mom all the best and yes I will keep you and yours in my prayers.
Sad Mom!
P.S.: I want to take this time to thank you all for just being here for me!!!!!!!!!!!