So I have been seeing my GI for about
4 years now...And I only see him for my one year annual.
He is an older man in his late 60's to early 70's and although very nice we just dont vibe that well. He doesnt aske me the questions I feel he should be asking or gives me any long term plans or solutions to deal with flare...He hasn't bothered to scope me at all. He wasnt concerned that I have had 3 flares in the past 4 months when I usually only have 1 to 2 a year.
So I researched my medical group and have found another GI that I would like to start seeing. I call my medical group/Ins co and aske what is the procedure to get an appointment with the new GI. I have called for 4 days straight. Today I finally got ahold of my primary care dr. And she is going to start working on the referral. I told them who I would like to see.
She says you will have to wait until December...I told her "Like HELL" I am having a flare that is lingering longer than usual and that is not a good sign. I need to be scoped and have test run and possible start the next tier of drugs. December is not acceptable. She says she will see what she can do and call me back
I just do not understand these doctor's. Here I am waking up in pain every day...getting to work an hour late because of this disease. I am doing my part by staying on top of my flare and monitoring what I eat. Resting and seeking medical attention Vs. Ignoring my sypmtoms.
And it Seems once again that the Health Care system is letting me down once again. I have had the worse experience with out health care system since I have had this disease.
Its hard to know whats worse the disease itself or not being able to get help when you need it.