I tried the surgery route-I had a failed fistula plug. After a month, the plug incrporated into my body but I got 2 new abscesses in different spots. So they put a drain in and it's still there. Basically, I went through a yr. of pain and got a new fistula in the same spot I had the plug placed after starting remicade. I have had 4 infusions. My next is in 3 weeks but I may not go. After my 2nd infusion, I got the new fistula and just this week I got another abscess that turned into a fistula. I now have 1 fistula with a drain and 2
open sore type fistulas. I have never been this sick in my life. I used to get abscesses in 1 spot but now I have 3 fistulas. Well, I had about
26 abscesses but they were all in the same spot. Now my butt is like swiss cheese and I am getting sicker and sicker.
I know there are people who have had great experience with remicade. I am just not sure I have crohn's -the Drs. were never really sure anyway. I may have just had a complicated fistula that was made worse by taking remicade.I am definitely a rare exception. Most peole on this site do very well with remicade!
Best of luck!