I had pelvic surgery in September to remove by tubes and ovaries, and was diagnosed with Chron's about
a week before that. I'd been on Asacol for about
2-3 weeks before the surgery and then was put on Entocort a week after coming home from the hospital.
Problem is, here I am over 6 weeks after surgery and the incision is not healing as well as it needs to be already. They tapered me off the Entocort already because the GI got involved and isn't so sure it is helping me at this point. I took the last one this Sunday.
I know that Entocort is not as absorbed by the whole body as prednisone is, but am wondering if this healing problem is due to the steroid? I am also type II diabetic but it is very mild and my blood sugar is in control and I don't even take meds for it.
Anyone ever have this problem? Funny part is, the surgeon is changing partners and is not available until December. But I had my primary care look at it early last week. He pulled out a couple of undissolved stitches that were poking through and it started to heal up, but now I'm having problems again this week.
If it doesn't get better by Monday, I'm calling someone, of course. But I'm curious what you all think or if you've ever had that experience. I confess I only stayed home from work for 2 weeks, went back half-time but have a desk job. No running around, vacuuming, heavy lifting...