I have a stricture too. It's in the small intestines somewhere. I am using LDN, and have felt fine all the time, like being in remission. But I have to avoid certain food so I don't irritate the stricture. Well, yesterday I ate onions. I shouldn't. I got SO sick at night, and I have been vomiting and had severe pain untill 4 in the morning. Today I have been taking naps everywhere. 4 hours of pain an constant vomiting without anything left to vomit. Lost my voice!
Anyway, the pain I had this time was so different. It was more concentrated to two points in the upper-left quadrant. And the abd. area got really hard, couldn't touch it without vomiting.
So I thought may be I have to contact the ER. Was afraid that this could be a total stop. I live at an island, and if I get really sick, the only transport in the middle of the night is a helicopter. It's really difficult to know when it's the right time to go to the hospital.
Well, anyway, today I feel much better, no pain, only tired.
My doctor won't let me use humira or remicade or ANY other medication, so I hope LDN will give me a remission so there will occur better circumstances for either a strictureplasty or a resection.