yes, twice. My first colonscopy showed crohn's in my ileum. The past two scopes (one each year) have showed normal, althought my endoscopies showed inflammation. I had severe symptoms during both of the last two scopes so i was really confused. I'm taking it, that you have a fistula from your post. i too have that problem. My doctor told me i must have ibs on top of crohn's to explain why i had symptoms but nothing showed up. But i have read other posts talking about
people w/normal scope and have say camera pill done and stuff show up higher up in the intestines that the scope can't reach. I'm figuring that may be the case for me. As far as the sbft, i had that test done one week after first colonscopy (which did have the crohn's show up) and it showed nothing. the ct scan did show my crohn's on another incident, which the reason i had the x-ray done had nothing to do with the crohn's but it showed up then. It seems to be a hit or miss for me one test shows, next one doesn't. maybe that's the case for you. anyway my doc said getting a fistula alone shows signs of active crohn's. Whether you want to get the tests done or not is up to you as far as the money situation goes but if your doc is willing to treat you based on symptoms alone then are the extra tests really necessary? Now if you weren't getting treated properly then I would get them done. Good Luck!!