For those of you that have BCBS insurance and are on Humira...I found out something interesting this weekend! I was taking the injections biweekly at the cost of $100.00 per box of two pens. Well my script
came up for a "new" refill and my GI's nurse inadvertently faxed over the script
to the pharmacy on the "old" dosage schedule. Anyway, the pharamacist called BCBS to do an override so I could get my shot this weekend and BCBS processed the script
...Thank God! The new dosage is for once a week. The pharmacist said she'd get the script
straightend out with the Dr.'s office on Monday. When my daughter so kindly stopped and picked up the Rx the script
had been filled based on a
monthly dosage and I paid $100.00 for 4 pens!!!!!!!!!!! HURRAY!!!!!!!! Just thought you may want to know!
There have been no changes in my insurance so I am sure it was the way the dosage was indicated on the script!