Grrrrrr! I'm in a clinical trial for COPD at U of M. It involves a low dose of Zithromax (or placebo) once a day. The theory being that Zithromax has some anti-inflammatory properties. My Crohn's has usually responded well to antibiotics and I've never had a problem w/Zithromax. I started the clinical trial last January and this January will be my last visit.
I've done great all this while - until the last 2 months I've had some minor indications that the Crohn's wasn't fully asleep and dormant. (I had been doing so well I quit taking the Pentasa daily and was just taking my Imuran).
The last 2 months or so my appetite has been steadily declining and my weight has been SLOWLY dropping. But the last week or so things have escalated and I've had a few pain episodes. Nothing like when the Crohn's first hit but .... I kept meaning to re-start the Pentasa but its been SO NICE just popping 4 pills a day instead of 20...
Yeah, well, U of M was concerned about the loss of appetite despite I told them it wasn't uncommon w/Crohn's and they insisted that I go to my doctor about it as it "could" be a side effect of the Zithromax (if I'm on it instead of the placebo).
So I called my gastro's office. I'm overdue by a year for a colonoscopy anyway and have been putting off having to do that d*mn prep! But I wanted to see her first as I "suspect" I might need an upper scope as well. (Joy, joy). Ha! They are booking appointments for her into February but I could see her PA next month! (Her PA and I don't see eye to eye on a few things). I explained WHY I needed the appointment thinking the mention of U of M would add a little weight. No dice. February or the PA. But I was civil ... I let them set the appointment w/the PA - just in case.
Actually, I was FUMING! What the h*ll good is a doctor if you can't see them when you need them? I know if I was still volunteering in the Endo department and ran into her she'd tell me to call the office and tell them to work me in her next day in the office. BUT - I'm getting more and more stiff-necked in my old age. (I must be masochistic and enjoy cutting my nose off to spite my face).
So - to keep U of M happy I made an appointment w/my family doctor. He gave me some Aciphex samples, agreed I should restart the Pentasa (joy!) and ordered some tests and said he was going to refer me for an upper and lower scope to my gastro. Ha! I asked what gastros some of his other Crohn's patients used which raised his eyebrows to the roof since he knows how much I like my gastro. I explained my phone call w/my gastro's office and told him rots o' ruck getting the scopes scheduled. HE said that ALL of the gastros in our area were in a similar situation, we just don't have enough gastros here. At that I lost it!!!
If these d*mn specialists would quit w/the booking these useless "well visit" appointments they would HAVE THE TIME to see their sick patients when those patients NEEDED them! Our family doctors are quite capable of taking care of us when we are doing well. IF we even need to see THEM when we are doing well and having no problems. Grrrrr. I had just been in to see her in August just to humor her since I was doing just fine.
He just smiled and let me vent and said the office would call me w/the appointments for the scopes and tests. Anyone wanna take bets on when the scopes will be scheduled?? I'm betting January at the earliest.
Meanwhile, I have plenty of Pentasa here. And ... I do have 3 fills for an Entocort script I haven't used ... I "ain't" that desperate - yet - for the Entocort. The one time I took it whilst on Imuran is the time I got that PAINFUL bout of shingles. Not anxious to encounter THEM again, thank you!
There ARE times I HATE the medical profession!