mcleaver1969 said...
Well, I know for me personally the cramping is located mainly in the middle, below my belly button. The cramping comes on so sudden that I have to take slow, deep breaths until it passes, then I head to the bathroom because the cramps always lead to D. Sometimes there's vomiting too but that has slowed down a lot for me, but the D is always a constant. This happens every day, numerous times a day, always after I eat. And once in awhile as an added bonus my lower ileum becomes so inflamed that it gets almost completely blocked, causing terribly painful stomach pain and vomiting, this can last for a few days at a time. It sucks the life out of me and makes me so tired it's all I can do to get out of bed and go to work 5 days a week. If I am feeling up to it after work I do some tidying up, etc, but a lot of nights I'm so tired I watch TV and head to bed early, just to start all over again the next day. This disease has changed my entire life and nobody who doesn't suffer from it can possibly understand. It's frustrating and depressing.
Tell us about your experience.
hey mcleaver1969, when you do have the symptoms of a "blockage", when do you deceide its time to go to the hospital. I have had your symptoms before but whenever I start throwing up, I tend to panic and go to the hospital. For which then they admit me. I was told by my GI doc that you should wait at least 2 days before going to the hospital (if your symptoms haven't gotten better).