I was just wondering if anyone else gets a feeling in their gut like they swallowed a rock. That is what I am dealing with right now. Since they took me off 6mp about 2 weeks ago I haven't felt good and I don't know if it is from going off the meds. I am still waiting to go on remicade, hopefully soon. But in the meantime my belly feels really heavy, I get a stomach ache almost everytime I eat, and I have been struggling with trying to do bm's and when I do they are usually skinny and it feels like a passed a brick. I am scheduled for a colonoscopy in March but I called and talked to the nurse at the docs office and requested possibly moving it up just in case. Anyone else ever dealt with the dreaded rock feeling? Thanks for any help offered!!
43 yr old F, diagnosed: June 93
1 surgery, have a stricture right now
meds: pentasa 500mg 2 pills 4x a day
zoloft 50mg once a day
looking forward to a few more 5k's in the spring and hopefully a 10k before next winter..God willing!