She mentioned both the Pill Camera Endoscopy and the Double Balloon Endoscopy procedures when I was last in to see her. I told her I was interested, especially in the Double Balloon Endoscopy despite the need for the d*mn prep. And I would NOT do the Pill Camera Endoscopy w/o the dissolvable pill first to make sure it would pass. She said there was only one place in town doing the PCE and they didn't use the dissolvable pill so I said I'd pass until they do.
Well, today I stopped in to pick up a copy of the dictated results from the upper endoscopy we did last Thursday and darned if they didn't have an appointment scheduled for me for THIS Thursday afternoon to discuss the PCE and dissolvable pill and had just tried to call me to see if I could make it!!!! Couldda knocked me over! Like I couldn't get an office appointment for 2 weeks after I called when my gut was in trouble!! And that appointment was w/her NP. The doctor I couldn't get to see until Feb even tho I made it clear I needed help THEN, when I called. This appointment is also most likely w/her NP which is okay given its just to discuss the possiblity of doing a PCE.
Of course, curiosity killed the cat. I'm keeping the appointment naturally. Here's some questions I'm working on. Please add a few more if you think of some!!!
Just how much does the patient get to see of the results?
Only still pics of the computer chosen questionable areas?
How questionable an area?
I know these things take 1000s of pictures during their "trip". And I know that no human is gonna be paid to sit and look thru the entire "filming".
Does the doctor further eliminate computer questionable areas the doctor doesn't consider questionable?
How many of these dissolvable pills have failed to dissolve?
Is there anything in the dissolvable pill detectable by xray if it is suspected that it didn't dissolve?
Are you gonna insist on a colonoscopy type prep for this pill camera endoscopy. I've read of those having to do so despite its for the small intestine.
You sure you guys aren't just seeing your chance to perhaps hasten the surgery that Mayo, Cleveland, Dr XXXX and you have favored and suggested since 1999? *wicked grin* Pardon my not-always-trusting-mind.