Posted 1/11/2008 2:23 AM (GMT 0)
My 14 year old daughter is having some serious heart/lung issues. She always experiences heart arrythmia (pounding, racing, irregular beating - immense fatigue) after a Remi infusion, which usually lasts 3 days to 2 weeks. This 8 wk cycle it never went away, instead grew worse, waking her up at night, etc. Her GI brought her in for tests and found she has atelectasis of the lung, meaning some right lung collapse, fluid where there should be air. Have any of you experienced this and what does this mean? Her Remi has been cancelled this Friday and so we pray the Crohn's will not kick up. Fortunately, she is doing well there. We've been following SCD religiously for about 6 months and she has been improving enough to get off two meds (pred. and 6-mp due to toxic liver levels). The GI is reluctant to give up Remi as her Crohn's was a a doozy to get under control since dx 8 months ago. Now we are off to the cardiologist. Words of wisdom, insight out there?