Morning all
well its been almost 3 months ive not had my methotrexate injection and surprisingly enough ive not been admitted! got quite a few problems going on right now especially with my periods being eractic and quite painful so it was discussed because i have had a few problems with the ward where i receive my methotrexate that i now switch to oral methotrexate and that it would cause me less stress and that it would certainly make my life a lot easier i had a consultation appointment due on friday but i could not attend due to being in bed with my period which have been happening for a few months now .
Anyway because my last blood test was done in november i got my bloods done because i was deathly white the doctor thinks i may be anaemic due to my periods being rather heavy and she has now written a letter to my consultant explaining the problems im having with my periods and that its making me so ill and that it would be best if i were to go on oral methotrexate!
Do you still have to take your folic acid and have weekly bloods done for the 1st month?I was on 15mg of methotrexate intramuscular will it still be the same dosage for oral?i know the methotrexate is working because i havent been in hospital for 14 months now im just tired of being ill all the time due to my imune system being low us cronnies are never happy are we!