Guys, I have a pretty serious question and it has really been bothering me. I attend a major university and before the semester began I filed with my university's office for student disability. I only requested that I be allowed occasional exceptions to attendance policies for doctor's visitis, remicade infusions, and a poss. hospital stay. They gave me letters of accomadtion to give to my teachers to sign so they would be aware. This went well except for my history teacher. He's a young guy, in his 30's I'd say. I took him my letter and he snapped immeadeatly asking what my disability was. I know that I didn't have to tell him but, I'm not really ashamed of my Crohn's Disease and thought if he knew what was actually wrong, it would help him to better understand the accomodation I was requesting. So I told him and then I got "Well, you don't look sick. You probably just want to be able to cut class." I really didn't know what to say. He had already signed my paper so I took it and began to walk away. I sat down and he taught the 1st half of class and then we had a short break. While on break, I didn't get up, I just stayed in my seat. He stayed in the room too and looked at me and said "Isn't Crohn's Disease all in people's heads anyways?". There were about
15 other students in the room.
I can deal with people being skeptic of my disease. I get it. Some days I don't look or feel sick, but other I do. Usually I'm so sick on those days that I don't go out so people never get to see that side of me. I'm not one who likes to get people in trouble but what this guy did is WRONG. He violated my privacy rights and completely disregarded my illness. I want to tell the University disability staff but am scared that they will give him a warning and put him back in my class and my grade will suffer. Either that or I will face more humiliation. I'm really at a loss at what to do. I don't want to drop the class b/c at this point I won't get my money back. I mean, my papers at the disability center are completely legit. My doctor specifically wrote that I had Crohn's and that occasional exceptions to the attendance policy would be nessecary for me to have a fair chance at education. I just don't get why this guy feels the need to undermine that.
Has anyone else had to deal with this? I feel so uncomfortable in his class and I just don't know what to do..please help!
By the way, to those who saw my posts about surgery, I am still recovering. Luckily, next week is my spring break so I don't have to worry about sitting on my sore bum through classes! Thanks for all your encouargment!