Hey everyone I know long time no see...have been playing way too many web based games the past year...kept my mind off all health issues...De-NILE anyone...
This past month has been a very hard one for me, on Feb15th I was in the ER with PAIN!! how we all know I take Morphine, Vicodon, and Perc. BUT non helped and when you get hit with a pain that takes you to the floor you listen.
At the hospital they gave me Demerol, 10mgs every hour! and then I had 2 CTscans 1X-Ray 1 Ultra sound. they wanted to keep me...I said no I will go back on monday. Which I did, another CTscan with both contrast and Die. HATE THOSE MILKY DRINKS@@@ then the following friday I got to go in and have some kind of Necular X-ray done...
well first they said I had to go to GYN went there CA125 elevated...but not enough ....another CTSCAN!! Ok so now I glow! They called me with their results, well there is a mass....but it is in NOT
in the area in which they "play" and they said they can not rule out cancer...it is a could be might be but...so now off to see another Dr so he can cut me open and see what is going on...so life has been a rollercoaster ride all the way around!
Ok that is it..have a great day and as always BE WELL ! !