A few weeks ago I had posted on my having heart palps. Well I saw my doctor a few weeks ago. They ran an EKG, that was normal. He did some blood tests again, this time to also check my thryroid. All those came back normal.
So now I'm waiting to hear back from the cardiologists office about getting an event monitor. Funny thing was my palpitations had stopped for a few weeks, and returned when my doctor's nurse called me about my referral to the cardiologist. Today I'm really having them. I screwed up and didn't eat until 2pm (well I had a banana but that was it). That seems to have triggered them today. I rushed and ate at 2pm and since then I've been having the pounding, pounding, pounding. My heart rate is up as well, anywhere from 95-112. :( That part is unusual, usually my heart rate stays under 100 with these.
I'm pretty scared to be honest. I'm only 30, what could possibly be wrong with me? I told my husband today that I'm just tired. I'm tired from having soooo many things go wrong with me all the time. This one is just scary to me though, I'm too young to be having a heart problem.
Anyway, does anyone know what these monitors are like? Are they a pain to wear? I guess I'm getting the one where you push the button when your having them. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to arrythmias. Aren't most of those considered dangerous? *sigh* I just want to be okay.