My doctor just called me back. And lo and behold, I'm not just constipated. Wow, I do actually know the difference. My intestine is folded back on itself near the joint of my resections. When it did that, everything just shut down. Why it has done that, Why it keeps doing it, and How to stop it, are all yet to be determined. BUT at least I know I'm not crazy. Since the ER doctors really didn't LISTEN to me and what had been going on they just saw a blockage of stool and said, oh she's constipated and seeking drugs.
Of course, his order are to go back to the ER if I'm not better in 12 hours, not **** likely. Maybe 24 hours. Because I'm not going back without him calling ahead.
So he will be calling surgeons to find out if that is the best/only way to make this go away. Or if it is even an option. He also said he's not sure there is a fix. I just know I can't go on with this happening once or twice a week now for the rest of my life.
I edited out your swear word. Sorry, Zanne. I'd be saying exactly the same thing in your situation!
- Ivy.
Post Edited By Moderator (ivy6) : 4/3/2008 6:22:50 PM (GMT-6)