Hokay, I was on TPN, not so much for bowel rest as I was allowed to eat in addition to the TPN for weight gain. Mine was thru a PICC line. A glorified IV set in the upper arm, usually of your dominant arm, but the small catheter tube is run thru that vein almost to your heart, just above it in the main vein leading to it. They sometimes use a small portable ultrasound to find the strongest, largest vein in the upper arm and then do an xray after to be sure the catheter is properly placed. Sometimes they thread the catheter thru the vein under flouroscopy.
That PICC line stays in for as long as you are on TPN. I was on TPN 14 hours a day. No biggie. You can walk around and do what you want to do. You can even leave the house and go shopping or whatever. They give you a backpack to carry the pump which will run x amount of hours on batteries. Twice a week homecare came out to flush the line and draw blood. The blood is run thru the lab so that they can determine what TPN "recipe" you need, sometimes your needs change. My TPN solution was delivered once a week (you need a good size refrigerator for storage).
I usually ran my TPN from about
6PM until 8AM. But you can adjust the hours w/in reason to fit your schedule. I wouldn't hesitate to do TPN again.
If you do need yet another surgery and I were you I would insist on going to CC for the surgery. Mayo Clinic is a 12 hour drive for me but no way would I have a resection ANY place but Mayo!!!! Why even consider a surgery locally when you have the CC option???