Hi It's been a really long time since I posted, but I read posts ALL the time. I never feel as if I have anything "new or wothwhile" to say. Not feeling sorry for myself (well maybe) but for me it's just "same ol' same ol'". However, for several months, my left hip has been bothering me on and off. I saw a ortho doc about
a year ago and he saw only inflammation in the hip/pelvis area but no signs of Avascular Neucrosis. He in turn sent me to a spine clinic. The doc there said I had a bulging disc that could be causing the hip pain and a bone density scan showed I had Osteoporosis in that hip and in the lower spine. NOW I am having the hip pain and lower back pain.
Could this be the AS I have been reading that many Crohn's patients have?
Should I see the ortho doc, GI doc, or who?
This pain is waking me up at night now, becoming very uncomfortable. My GI symptoms are pretty much under control at present, so does that mean it couldn't be AS? If it is AS should the Remicaide not help with the symptoms?
Sorry for all the questions. I jsut get so much valuable info from you all it's incrediable. Plus, getting info from those that actually HAVE the problem is a lot different than hearing it from someone that doesn't know first hand.
Many thanks....