My liver enzymes have gone up and down for years. I've tried making the connection between Remicade or Cimzia treatments or any other medication changes and the elevated tests, but could never find a concrete link. GI said several of the meds I'm on could raise them. Finally, we did an MRCP, ERCP and liver biopsy, all of which just showed mild dilation in the bile ducts. Nothing they are concerned with, just going to keep watching them and repeat the tests as necessary. My thyroid doctor did tell me the other day that she sees a lot of patients with celiac disease who have elevated liver enzymes. Not sure what the connection is there, but maybe there is one and, if so, maybe there is a similar connection with Crohn's. I wouldn't worry about
it too much yet...see what they are in a month. My ALT was over 300 and my AST over 200 and they still weren't that concerned yet. It could change a lot in a my opinion, you don't need to stress about
it yet.