I donno the last time I posted.
Crohns ain't bad really but very sick with other stuff if you see my profile you will understand.
Just out of hosptial in another country.
Diagnosed with
Chronic Muscle Myopathy
Drug induced movement disorder
And told I would prob go on to develop Parkinsons like my twin sister.
I am only 55
I walk very badly, I tired horrendously, I have neuro implications and lucky if I get 4 hours sleep a night.
I have 'ants in pants' meaning I have to keep moving
the jigs and jerks of limbs exhausting
become allergic now to alot of food
Very few services here indded.
No family support
Of all this the crohn is holding, with only smallbit of pain but I do have major probs with diarrea, lack of appetite and nausea
I'm another one who says, I donno how much more I can take
At present I am trying to be positive but I seem to be collecting autoimmune stuff like candy.