Hi Lila,
Well, I was like you, I was very achy in all my joints. I knew I already had osteoporosis due to long term steroid use. I was put on Fossomax and then later Actonel when that came out. I always took my medication for that and finally after seven years my bone density test showed I had no more osteoporosis! So those type of drugs really do work!
Back to my achy joints. I saw a rhuemotologist that ran some tests on me and confirmed the diagnosis of Arthritis. Most drugs that she tried for me always upset my stomach with my CD. So there basically wasn't much she could give me for that.
After a while, I thought my arthritis was getting worse. I couldn't carry my grocery bags anymore and I couldn't even stand having to carry my purse on my shoulder. I had to start carrying a handbag instead of the shoulder strap kind. I could barely lift my arms to wash my hair or use the blow dryer. I now let my hair air dry. Luckily my hair is curly anyway, but no more straightening it! I couldn't do my normal daily activities anymore because I just hurt all over! I too had lots of problems with my neck, shoulders and back. I became very stiff! Plus I became very sensitive to touch.
One day during my examination in the Rheumy's office she touched with a finger in the middle of my chest. I wasn't expecting it and I was loud and said, "OW!!!!" and backed off with a stern look on my face! :o) I explained to her that I wasn't expecting that, and nobody had pointed a finger at me and touched me in that area like that, and that I didn't know it was sooo sensitive! She continued to touch other "trigger point" areas like the knees, elbows, neck, back, etc., all which were very tender. She told me I had fibromyalgia.
She again started to try some new medications on me which right now I can't remember any of their names but most only worked for a time and then became useless for me. Finally she suggested that I try physical therapy. I did that for about 8 weeks along with deep tissue ultra sound treatments. Finally I was able to get some type of relief. Later my GI had me try Remicade for my CD since nothing else was working for me. That has helped tremendously for my CD and arthritis and probably my fibromyalgia so thankfully I lucked out because I couldn't tolerate any of the other arthritic medications.
When my stiffness and deep tissue pains start to come back I have found one med that does help for my fibromyalgia and that is Skelexon. It is a deep tissue pain reliever. Plus I know it's time to get more rest and take it easy on my body when I flare up. I have some stretching exercises that I do all the time. Plus I use a bean bag type of thing that I warm in the microwave and put around my neck when I flare up.
Here at healingwell there is a fibromyalgia forum. You may want to check it out and talk with some of the people over there. I'm sure they would have a wealth of information.
Good Luck. I hope you are able to find some relief.
(((Gentle Hugs)))
All my best!