This is one of the most ignored problems due to surgeons not believing that this actually causes pain. I have been in and out of the hospital 4 times since Nov 1st . 2007 with all the tests done., ct scans(6) , all the x-rays that can be done, nothing shows why I have the intense pain that I have to place me in the hospital and be on pain meds iv for 3 days and then I feel fine again, except this is happening every other month and my ins won't pay. $20,000.00 for 72 hrs is a horrible strain by its self. Thursday June 19th I will go to Vegas for the pill cam. I am pretty scared since I have a twisted colon that it might get stuck. I have 3 GI Dr.s 1 locally, 1 at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale and 1 in Vegas. Has anyone else had this pill cam done?