I'm sorry I know some of you might be sick of reading my posts but I truely feel stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I was Dx in Jan with CD when a partial obsuction had me throwing up my own stools (yuk) I was hospitalized for 10days after a wash out and sent home on 50mg Prednisolone after 2weeks I was able to tapper down severe bloating had doc and surgeon convinced I needed more surgery so small bowel seris was done showing 2 stictures and a fistula with abnormal bowel loops. I was booked to have surgery 22/4/08 they said needed to do a right hemi-colectomy ok fine I didn't want too but felt no other option the prednisolone side effects were a nightmare so I was off them by 26/3/08.
Hubby and I had been trying for a bub for 8 years with two losses IVF and AIH and were told to stop trying till after the surgery but of cause my pre op test revealed we hadn't tried hard enough we are pregnant WOW. So the surgery was cancelled as I was only 5-6 weeks and re-booked 15/7/08 28 days from now and I'm freaking out.
I've had 5 losses in total and I have a son born 2 weeks early and a daughter born 12 weeks early. I had bleeding at 10weeks this time and D's with blood that has all stopped now I've had 3 B12 injections and the D's have gone too I can now eat some things that I once couldn't I feel ok little cramy I think you'd call it under my ribs when I sit mostly and nauseous and tired but I am pregnant so I think that could explain all that. I'm worried about
pre-term labour as I have a history of it and with the Crohn's then add the surgery.
I dont want to lose this baby I'm 14 weeks now but no-one seems to hear me I dont want this op I dont want to put my baby at risk, can't it wait til after the baby is born. My doc doesn't want to give me meds but wouldn't they be safer for my baby than surgery, I want both of us to be fine isn't there a test that will show whats happening to my bowel now not 4months ago.
Has anyone here had or avoided surgery while pregnant what was the outcome
Scared to make a decision
Post Edited By Moderator (MMMNAVY) : 6/17/2008 8:17:18 AM (GMT-6)