You'll be happy to know that I do indeed have Crohn's
Disease!!!! YAAAHHH!!! Ok well not that I'm thrilled to have
this ugly thing, believe me I don't wish this on anyone!! But I
am glad to finally have confirmation though that this is what is
indeed wrong with me. I made my doctor repeat it to make
sure I was hearing him correctly!!! LOL And he said he's
going to guess that there is some IBS in there too which
would be reason for my bowel issues when they appear.
My colon was pretty inflammed. Not horrible, but enough. He
said for as much as I'm complaining the pain that I have been in,
he would think that it would have been worse. However, he said
we are all different. And in my case, mine is inflammed enough
that its telling my body "Hey, something is wrong here".
(No, REALLY??)
So, my treatment plan is this: He started me on Methotrexate.
The injection. The nurses showed me how to do it and then made me
do it. LOL It wasn't too bad. The hardest part was sticking
myself so the nurse had to help a little with that. But once it
was in, I was good to go. I'll be on this for I believe only 12 weeks.
I'll also be on a super high dose of Folic Acid and that I have
to take on Sundays after my Wed. injections. I guess the
Methotrexate can take some of your blood count things way
down ?? so I have boost my system with the Folic Acid.
And last, I asked for Welbutrin because this prednisone I'm
still on is making me crabby and cranky and I need my jets
cooled down some. LOL
So weekly I come down the prednisone and hopefully as
I'm coming down, the Methotrexate will start kicking in and
I can start moving again without hurting. I'm just really glad
he saw something today. It puts me more at ease now because
now he see's it, and know's this isn't all just in my head like
I've been feeling he thinks. I know my body and I know
when something isn't right and I think after all this that he is
going to start listening to me better!! Like my husband said, he's a
man and sometimes you need to give them a little "kick"!! LOL
So now I get to change my siggy from not knowing if I still
have this ugliness, to "YAAAH- I'm a true Crohnie now!!" LOL