Sorry I've haven't been in touch, don't have access to internet 'cept when my son can let me use his.
I was finally down to 0 pred, then I thought I was having a flare-up. Now back up on 10mg per day.
Symptoms are different: severe constipation (I've never had the diareah with my chron's), nausea, pain in right side, EXTEME fatigue, moody.
Meds: 10mg pred day, 2 tablespoons benefiber twice daily, Azasan-75mcg daily, 1 tbles. meirlax twice daily, premerin, synthroid, vitamin, calcium, and now he added Amitizia 24mcg 1 gellcap twice daily. I have cut that down to 1 daily cause the nausea and headache won't go away.
My bowels finally broke loose for 4 days I had really soft bm's. Doc says with me and my history, where most crohns pts have diarreah, if I have "regular" or soft bm, my crohns is prob in a flare. Great!!!! This time tho, the blood work showed no increase of inflamation, so he said it is not the crohns. I also have IBS (does alot of you have IBS with the Crohns?) and I have Diverticuloses., Both can and will contribute to constipation, right? I have to learn and know the symptoms, I need to not take so much meds, can't afford them!!! Any advice????? I won't be on here long, bit I'll try to get back to the son's internet access soon. Thanks guys!!!!!