Julie1014 said...
I know this topic is discussed ad-nauseaum, and I apologize. I NEED to follow some type of diet. To give you a little background, I have now developed Crohn's constipation. I take Miralax daily, which is helping some. However, some days I "don't" go, then other days I go large amounts. (not diarrhea, though, just many and frequent.)
So, my questions to you are:
1. What type of diet do you follow? ie. SCD, Maker's, gluten-free, low residue, high-fiber, etc.
I don't follow any special diet. I just stay away from foods I know cause me pain and D. Most of the time food is not a factor for me, in that it won't cause a flare. May bother me when in a flare though.
2. Has it helped you?
Diet has never helped me stay in remission. It does help when I'm flaring to stay away from irritating foods.
3. Do you suffer from diarrhea, constipation, or both?
4. Do you find that sugar bothers you? (I am a big sugar drink junkie.... sodas and iced-tea.)
Nope, I drink soda in moderation. Never bothers me.
I don't want to do a diet that will bind me up more, but I have to do something.
Thank you so much in advance for your time. Blessings, Julie
Everyone is very different when it comes to diet. I say find out what works for you. Hope that helps! :)