My wife was washing cloths Sat. and just happened to go into the bathroom when the washer was pumping out. What she found was water overflowing in the toilet and tub. Of course this ment that I got to find and clear a clogged sewer line. That involved a little more than I was expecting. It seems that the plumber had stubed out the clean out about
a foot and a half past the house slab. Not a problem if there was not a brick side walk over it. Yep I love to break up sidewalks. After doing all that and digging up the clean out of course the cast iron plug was rusted solid . It looked more like an ancient artifact than a pipe , and required a lot more muscle than I have to break it free. Thats when you get that first knockout sewer smell. Even the neighbors dog took one sniff and hauled tail for home. So whats a few pulled muscles in an elbo and back and a snoot full of stink . Then, of course the clog was almost 40 feet from the clean out. More than I could push a garden hose so here I am, covered in crap, yes literally ,
no bathroom , and we had to go visit our second home, Home Dumpo,. I dont know why I dont just have my money transfered right to them. That way I would not have to see it slip through my fingers so often. I bought some rolled pipe and fittings to connect the hose and managed to clean it out, but it appears I have a dip or a root almost to the septic tank. Almost never got through there so now I will have to dig that up and repair, replace it. Two days of crawling around on my hands and knees in sewer water and now I have a sore throat and aching body and Im not sure how long the fix will last. Guess thats why I'm up at 3AM @#$ing about
it all. The irony is , with crohns I am always dealing with crap and aches and pain inside . This week end I was dealing with crap and aches and pain on the outside. Playing with pooh must have been more fun for Christopher Robin. When I was young we had an out house and we bathed in a #3 tub. Neither ever got clogged.