i swear im gonna pop a cork. tooth pain all weekend , ( of corse when else would it be) . OMG i would rather have surgery! first off i hate mouth pain of any kind. so having an abcess just made my month. so now a root canal on wednesday is in the future. along with continuing all the antibiotics i been on since starting the humira. oh yea, what a dance we do huh? if i did not like chewing so much i would have this sucker blown up with dynomite. i mean i can do pain, i can do surgery standing on my head. what is it about
tooth pain and dentists that i cannot deal with? sure theres a big pocket of pus in there, but dang, its painfull. 10/650 percosets, 800mg of ibuprofen, and excedrin and it still hurts like heck.. and of corse the ibu/excedrin aint good for my ulcer. so that will probably kill me. one can hope ..............