I was very frightened. It happened when I was at work (Sheriff Office jail records) and I tried to call my husband at his work (power plant) because I was frightened but I could not remember his work phone number. I finally called my jail supervisor and was crying on the phone with her, trying to tell her about this problem and that I couldn't get ahold of my husband because I couldn't remember the number or how his company was listed in the phone book. She came to my office to calm me down and called my husband for me, getting his number from my personnel records.
At the begining of my health problems (end of 2001) I had blood and mucous, but mostly blood. I do not recall diarrhea, but I was getting blood/mucous every time I 'tried' to go. It was also accompanied by a terrible smell, it smelled rotten and I had only smelled that smell once before; late 1999, early 2000 my aged horse had a weepy eye (blood and yellow 'stuff', possibly serum) that smelled awful. Took him to the vet to learn it was an aggressive cancer in the soft tissue of his face, so I opted to euth/bury before the cancer could ravage him. I had owned/ridden him for 18 years and he was 29 years old, so I know I'd given him a good, long life and was making the best decision for him.
Of course, Husband and I were very scared. I was diagnosed between xmas and New Year's day, so appointments were fairly far apart before we could get definitive answers to our concerns. The only medical thing I had to go on, was my horse's cancer and how its' smell was the same as the odor from what I was excreting from my butt.
Of course, we were sent to specialists who gave us the best information they had and we were able to stem the tide of panic we had been floating on. I eventually got used to the blood and it didn't worry me, though I kept track of it and it's amounts. It was never what I would call plentiful, though it was almost always present in small amounts. I haven't had bleeding for quite some time, though I would occasionally get some spotting. It doesn't alarm me now, but in the beginning? I was a gibbering mess.