MTLGUY40 said...
Wow you seem knowledgeable !
Can you tell me a bit about your successes at treatment for Crohns
Thanks, but I'm only going by 17 yrs of experiance from dealing with this DD.
Keep in mind what works for some doesn't work for all and often it is a combination of things that give best results rather than just one or 2 things.
I was going around 30+ times a day with a lot of bleeding, mucus and lower back pain (my CD affects my colon and anus with perianal crohn's skin tags and on and off in the rectom (proctitis).
I'm either allergic or non-responsive to oral meds so I'm not on them, I've only ever used cortifoam for my proctitis issues, with success, nothing eles has ever helped that area.
I started with bee propolis, 2- 500mg caps that I buy from puritans pride online (don't take if you're allergic to bees, pregnant or breastfeeding) and with in a couple of days that cut my daily BM's down to around 1/2 so instead of 30+ I was going around 12-15/day, it stopped my bleeding and lower back pain all together, and it cut my mucus way GI was thrilled with my results from that alone so he put me on a script of pred to see if the combination would put me right into full remission but unfortunately pred no longer had any effect on me so that didn't he suggested I add fibre supplements daily and indefinitely which was the best advice I'd ever got from a GI (I've had 4 in total over the yrs).
The fibre supplements (which I still take daily one/day) gave me completely formed stools, no more mush/D/playdoh poops and cut my BM's down to about 8-10/day on average from the 12-15/day that I ws going thanks to the Propolis. It also cut out the rest of my mucus issues and once my system adjusted (it gave me excess gas and bloating for 3 months which is normal for healthy people and the time varies from person to person) then no more bloating or excessive gas. I'm even able to eat fibreous foods without getting all gassy and bloated from them.
Then about a yr after that I added probiotics, one called Primadophilus Reuteri made by natures and that cut my BM's down to 5/day on average {{{{note that with my menstral cycle things do get somewhat crazy, softer stools and more frequency but that's typical of the hormonal fluctuations with having a period}}}} I'm not complaining too much because it's still better than what it was (30+ times/day).
I also added omegas 3-6-9, was already taking B12 which has had no effect on my CD symptoms but I need it, I also added vitamin C-calcium ascorbate because it's easy on the gut and vitamin C is suppose to have wound healing and other health benefits for the intestines and I take vitamin A as well, as with the omegas the fish oils are suppose to aid with brain function and bowels.
I exercise regularly but I've been doing that for about 7 yrs now, it's really helped with anxiety and depression as well as energy bowel function and overall health, I'm lucky that I'm one of the few CDers that DON'T have osteo and arthritic issues and I credit the exercise for that.
I eat totally healthy, no refined sugar, processed foods/beverages, animal fats, fast-foods, artificial sweetners, I drink only chamomie tea, it's a natural anti-inflammatory (fresh, natural loose tea) and water, some days I only "go" 3 times/day, my only issues are still urgency---when I have to go I cannot hold it for long or make the urge go away----and frequency is still my other issue, because once a day is normal for me so I'm not in full remission....but I'll take what I can get and who knows maybe at some point it will come because afterall after years of eating junky, it can take a while for the body to heal from that.
Hope this helps you :)