Hi. I wanted to see if anyone else had similar symptoms and how you deal with this. Over the last 6-8 months I have had bouts where I feel as though the food I eat isn't being digested. I saw my doctor about
it 2 times and he says it is constipation, but it feels like it is much higher in my stomach than that. Anyway he told me to take fiber and Miralax daily for this. It seems to help at times, but I still get spells that last for 2 weeks where I have very irregular bowel movements (both in frequency and in substance). I can't attribute this to the food I eat as I keep a simple diet these days to aviod these spells. (Chicken, rice, beans...etc) Anyway, the last few days I have been feeling good. I go in the morning and then seem to have a fairly normal day. BUT, the one thing that I can't seem to get rid of is this feeling in my stomach of either water or air that bubbles from time to time - AND when I press on my stomach with my fingers it sounds like squishing a bag of water. I don't know how else to put it. It never goes away. It is right in line with where my belly button is. This is the same area where it feels like my food gets stuck. I guess I have this feeling if that would go away, I'd feel back to normal. It is strange and I can't explain any better I guess. Thanks everyone.
27 year old with "mild" Crohns, but with what feels like large problems.