I'm just checking back in on everyone its been awhile. It seems that everything is under control since I had the surgery done back in November, I've even gained close to 30 pounds. I've been working out and I feel great, and oh yeah I'm even in a relationship now, I guess you guys were right, lol. My bowel movements are back to normal and they are formed now, no more D
, at all. I just keep a consistent diet that conatins bread ad bananas and it seems to keep me on track, I can pretty much eat whatever now with no complications at all. Of course keeping up with my maintenance meds which b-12 injections monthly one 6mp a day and 4 pentasa capsules a day, my doc says he may take me off of one in April, I hope so. Every now in then I do get a little irritation at my incision scar but its only to the bottom and sometimes on the inside its like a soreness burning sensation but nothin major just soreness a little. I was wondering is this normal, and I can still fell like the stitches that they left in its hard, will this ever soften up to where it feels normal, hmmmm just wondering. ~THANKS~