So I have been poking around here on the board for a couple of weeks but I haven't had the nerve to bring up my issues. I finally have the courage. Please be gentle.
A little history...I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease at the age of 10. I have been treated with various medications (6mp, imuran, azulfadine, prednisone, etc.) and with surgical options (resections X2). Currently, I am living with a cronic rectal stricture that is treated with balloon dillation about every 3 months. My gastro has been at me for about 15 years to get a colostomy. I finally caved in to his request and agreed to talk to a surgeon. I really only agreed to do this to get him off my back about it. I had no intention of actually doing it.
At my last colonoscopy, I was informed that my ileo anastomosis (my splice where they reconnected me) has developed moderate crohns disease and a persistant stricture. Apparently it is at a curve and would be very dangerous to try to force it open. He said "it needs to come out."
I had a follow up appointment with the surgeon later that week and she immediately said "it has to come out and we need to remove the rectum also." I was devastated. Seriously devastated - Xanax is the only reason I can even type this now. My first instinct was panic but then after talking with a lot of people, I have decided to get a second opinion. Here is my issue...
How do you get a second opinion? I can get my records easily enough, but how do I get another doctor to actually look at them. I really want to eliminate my gastro from the process because I don't want him to influence the second doctor. Does anyone have any suggestions? I want to find the McDreamy House doctor of the gastro world. Please help.