ivy6 said...
It sounds to me as if we need to declare today International Be Kind to Isergodur Day.
Really, I do this whenever I start to feel that I can't do life anymore, and it really does help.
* if you have an engagement today and you know it won't give you joy, and it is something you can get out of, then cancel it. (in other words, keep medical appointments and other important things, but postpone that visit to Aunty Ingrid if you know she's just going to make you feel more miserable).
* put on the happiest, perkiest music you can. If that doesn't work, make today a theme day, e.g. Disco Day, 80s Day, 90s Day, whatever. If you don't have happy music at home, then treat yourself to a new cd if you can afford one, or start taping happy songs off the radio.
* have a bubble bath
* watch happy movies
* do anything else that is fun: sit outside and blow bubbles, play with a baby or a kitten, whatever
Try it, and I reckon there's a pretty good chance that before too long you'll be feeling a little happier. It won't make your gut symptoms go away, but at least it might restore a little joy to your life for a little while.
Will you check in tomorrow and tell us how you're feeling?
Hang in there,
Thanks this is good list :)
I will try it tomorrow, I am lucky because my sister just got this adorable little puppy :)
So I can start the day by playing with her, then i think i will bake a cake which i love(but can't eat).
I think this depression of mine is because of Remicade i am having my next infusion on 16th of april and i am so scared I have not felt any great result and i think it is not working for me and I am afraid of whats next :(
Before i got sick i was this happy girl who did not let anything stop her. And now well now i don't do much except walk my dogs if i can between toilet trips.
I have even started taking strong pain pills just to get away from all of this (not to harm myself, but just to get a little brake).
Hope you are all feeling a lot better then me, and i know some times are hard and this will pass and i will feel wonderful hopefully soon :)
Just it is hard to keep the faith if you don't seen any change in 6 months :S