I'm quite fortunate as in I have lot of people in my life who are very considerate and caring towards me when I'm sick.
BUT theres also several people who just didn't understand and were really inconsiderate at times and its damaged friendships. I'm at uni and living with friends but I think the worst bit is I try so hard to not show when I'm ill and get on with things but of course if your throwing up and having diarrhea 10+ times a day as well as being anaemic and doped up to the eyeballs on tramadol and still in pain its darned hard to put on a brave face and I tried SO hard to still be friendly and do my bit and it just got thrown back in my face by one of the girls I lived with who was very nasty to me, and even one of the ones who was always very sweet to me said they don't like living with me when I'm ill but that they love me when I'm well. I was so hurt and offended especially after all my efforts to try and not let it affect them. Next year I've opted to live with strangers so that I can have my own bathroom and not bother anyone if I get ill again seeing as its apparently sooo inconvenient for everyone. Sorry that turned into a bit of a rant there!