I never realized how bad I felt until I felt better!
I started LDN about
7 weeks ago, and I ave been doing better on this drug then I have on any other drug.
I will never take any immune supressants again.
My energy level, is wonderful, I have the gray film that I felt was over me, gone. I don't live in a painful fog!
The bloating is pretty much gone.
Even if LDN stopped working for the crohns symptoms, I will continue to take it for the energy and te all around "good" feeling.
I went from having 15 plus M's a day to 2
for about
6 weeks, I felt better nthen I have n 10 years....However,
this passed week, I ave been cramping a little then exploding.....once I explode I am fine.........BUT I attribute this to STRESS.
My son and his girl girl friend is expecting a baby any day....he lost his job..... have been helping them pay their bills...he know has decided to join the military, and my best friend has just been dx with AML. and is going through 24 /7 of chemo for 2 weeks!
SO I think even a normal person would have stomach cramps.
I am hoping when the stress gets better so will the cramps.
But LDN has been a God send for me!
I hope to never have to go of it.