Good morning Forum,
I've been lurking for about a month now and decided to take the plunge and introduce myself. I have been having issues since November 2008. It started with recurrent diarrhea that affected my daily life (I missed a couple days of work because I couldn't leave the house). I went to a GI in January, and had a colonscopy done. Came back clean with the exception of internal hemmies. A month or so goes by and it starts back up again! Between Feb & now I have had off and on bouts of diarrhea and constipation (sometimes bloody). I started seeing a new GI back in late May. In June I had tons of blood work done (6 vials!) and stool samples. Came back with possible Crohn's/anemic. I also tested positive for Shigella (bacteria in case you've never heard of it) I'm currently waiting for them to schedule my capsule endoscopy (which I've been waiting for over a month now because of them going back & forth with my insurance company!) I took antibiotics for the Shigella and since then have only had one bout of diarrhea and one bout of constipation (which was about 1-2 weeks ago). I still want to have the pillcam done because it' been so off an on for months now. I feel ok now but tomorrow I could have it all over again! My question is how many of you started out this way? I have read the many posts on this forum and it seems that if it is Crohns it's a relatively mild form of it. The doctors suspect it is in my small intestine due to the fact my colonoscopy came up clean. I'm just so confused over this disease! Any insight and/or experiences anyone would like to share would be greatly appreciated!