Hi all,
I'm new to the site, though I've been reading bits of it over the last few months... I'm not sure where to start! I have been unwell with Crohn's type symptoms since October last year, diagnosed with potential Crohn's in March this year. Part of the trouble I have is that I have frequent bowel motions, always urgently after breakfast, and often after eating. It seems to be worse on an empty stomach (hence the breakfast problems). I'm on a wheat free diet, which seems to be of some help. Anyway, I just wanted to know if anyone else had similar problems with eating and then needing to pass stools urgently? I feel like my body is rejecting food. Is this typical of Crohn's disease? Or it is possible that it's a side effect of the Mezavant medication I am taking? (I didn't have this problem before I started taking the meds, just other Crohn's symptoms). I'm concerned that it's the medication making me unwell and not the condition itself, and I don't know how to tell what's due to what! Any advice would be gratefully received!
Thanks and regards