These may be some dumb questions, but I don't know what these things are and/or the differences between them. From recent posts, I can see that they are both painful and dangerous, but that is almost all I know about
Stricture, I *think* this would be like scar-tissue around a portion of bowel, making the diameter for waste to pass through smaller than usual. Can strictures be flexible, or are they a solid/set opening, similar to a pulled thread in fabric making an opening in a garment of clothing smaller? ...and if you force a limb through a garment with a pulled thread, it will tear/rip the thread. Same thing happen inside us, too? *bites fingernails*
The various Obstructions...I haven't got a clue. Are they caused by the bowel closing down?, scar tissue?, diseased tissue?, waste being stuck?, and what *is* a mechanical obstruction and how does it differ from other obstructions?
Thanks for any/all help in understanding terminology.