Hi all,
I have written here before. I was recently at my GI dr's for severe lower to mid right quad. pain, diarrhea, and what felt like pain in low back/bladder area.
I had been to the ER SEVERAL TIMES and nothing came back other than blood in urine and some elevated platelet counts, white count a bit elevated and a low grade fever (100 deg).
GI dr. ran blood tests and the ASCA test came back suggesting Chrons disease. GI suspected it could very well be Chrons since some family members have it as well and I have all the syptoms.
Did colonoscopy and NOTHING showed up. Now DR. wants to do the Small bowel series, but i don't know if I should do that b/c I keep hearing the pill cam is the other best way to see Chrons.
Can anyone help me decide what to ask my Dr. about these tests???? I have been through so much testing lately (and over the past 5 years for many other problems) that I can't keep doing tests that arent' going to find anything. The PAIN I AM IN IS SOOOOOOOO BAD. Dr. has me on Vicodin right now to control the pain. However, I can't keep relying on that. I NEED A DIAGNOSIS. I can't keep living like this. I am confined to my home, and not really living ANY TYPE OF LIFE.
My husband is so sad seeing me like this. I haven't seen my friends in so long and can't even work a job. :(
Waiting on biopsy results from Colonoscopy too since I have heard sometimes that the biopsy results can show Chrons.
ANY ADVICE ON WHAT I SHOULD DO? Advice on if I should go thru w/ Small bowel or ask from Pill cam test first??