Good evening to all, I'll try to keep this short
symptoms for years -- since crohns dx has gotten so much worse:
fatigue (on the rating scale you posted I may be up to 30), can't concentrate, irritable, nausea, can't sleep, can't stay awake, feels like lump in throat (been scoped-told hubby he could only see a red/irritated looking area just behind the voice box), jaws hurt and try to lock up (TMJ?), stuff hurts, knees, heals, hair, wrists, everywhere it hurts, oh, did I mention the severe fatigue? lol , severe constipation (that's my normal), when I take anything I get diarrea for a week, fatigue? oh yea, absolutely no sex drive, even when I feel ok with the crohns, no sex drive.
Here's what happened; went for a GYN exam, haven't been in a few yrs, told the doc my symptoms and my main prob is the sex drive or lack thereof. She drew blood and guess what, my estrogen and testosterone levels way low. She put me on an estrogen gel and estrogen vag. cream.
Internet lists some of the same symptoms for both. (low levels and crohns). How do I know which is which? Some steroid family meds can even cause this low levels. Plus the hysterectomy I had 25 yrs back. Is it possible to treat both with out the meds interacting? Would I be better off to see an herbalist? Oh dear, what to do, seeing the GI doc tom. Oh yea, osteroporosis is definitely in the near future. Everything kills the bones! Sorry to be so long. Thanks again folks......granna