I have found out that Bag Balm is like a miracle ointment..not sure exactly what it is..i believe its an antibacterial ointment used on cows..I found out that after you soak dry off..use as much of stuff as you want and put it all around the fissure..or fissures(poor u if you have more than one)...but the idea is...you have to massage that area..for at least 30 seconds..because this stimulates blood flow to that area..and will increase your chances of healing...and i suggest just about
everytime..you go to the bathroom...you do this...i managed to heal one very bad fissure located middle of the back anus and it was 1/4 inch and i healed overnight with this stuff...so i thought i would share this tip..yes prescript
ion strength hemorroid creams work and lidocaine ointment is nice too...and if you are lucky enough to show your doctor you have this fissure and they call in Nitroglycerin creme for you...i have heard that is the best solution...but for those in pain right now...cvs sells this stuff...i really recommend it...
Now that i have one healed...i have another small one and perhaps one more..to work on lol!