What are your symptoms other than pain? Do you have diarrhea or constipation or blood in stools or anything like that? One of the things that they mention, and that we are currently struggling with, is possible post infectious IBS. My husband now tests negative for c-diff, but has been dealing with food intolerances (which he didn't have a month ago), gas, and weird bowel movements, and having to sometimes get up in the night to go poop, and some unsettled feeling in his stomach. Our GI says that c-diff and it's treatment does a number on the colon, and that sometimes, after c-diff, about
20-25% of people can end up with post infectious IBS, and this is what he hopes is going on with my husband.
It's so hard to tell from symptoms alone whether it's c-diff or crohn's or IBS really. If you have any of the classic symptoms of c-diff (such as large watery bowel movements with lots of frequency and urgency), or of crohn's (such as blood), and it continues for 3 days or gets worse, you need to see the doc right away, and try to do something about
it. We are using the 3-day rule - if something continues for 3 days, or if it gets worse, it's time to go get tested for c-diff, and if it is negative, do more diagnostic work to see if the crohn's is flaring again.
High dose solumedrol (120 mgs) did nothing for my husband when he was flaring and he was fighting c-diff. Without remicade, my husband would definitely have had surgery. And it is my belief, that my husband would have been in the same boat now as well when the c-diff came back . . . except, the remicade is keeping the crohn's at bay. It's been a Godsend for my husband, and I think if you have some serious inflammation going on, regardless of whether you have UC or crohn's, you should try it. He felt better with the second infusion.
It is my opinion that c-diff makes a crohn's flare up really really bad. Crohn's basically they think is an immune condition that attacks the digestive system, because it misidentifies normal flora as being invades . . . introduce something really bad like c-diff, and the immune system dysfunction that causes crohn's in the first place goes completely out of control. This is a complete guess of course, and really has no medical backing . . . I just _feel_ that my husband's crohn's flare ups will be much milder without c-diff in the picture, much much more manageable, and probably will respond to steroid medication. But you put c-diff in the mix, and there's nothing else other than remicade that would do the trick. I am really looking forward to the more novel therapies they are coming up with for battling c-diff, including the c-diff vaccine that it's in the works. Can't wait, want it now! Of course.
Hope you get to feeling better soon. Hang in there. And don't be afraid to try remicade.