Since having my hysterectomy in March, I continue to get these rashes on my skin. They are very itchy, burning and puffy. I went to the doctor twice now (since cortisone would not work) and they gave me a prescript
ion steroid cream. It works!!!
My question is.......could this be a coincidence? or Crohn's related? The only flare that I have ever noticibly had since my diagnosis is sever abdominal pain. I had surgery for a blockage back in 2008, and have been off of meds since then. I continue to have diarrea though. (small price) I watch what I eat. (no skins or seeds, mostly no raw veggies or fruits) I just don't know. I have always had different joint issues, but none that are that bothersome to disrupt my life.
Any insight would be great. I just need to know if I am crazy or if I should see my GI about this? I hate to go to him for a skin problem if it is not related.
Thanks for all of your help!! :)