I was diagnosed with chrons back in 2006. The doctor classified it as mild. So far I have been doing good. My major problem has been bloating and ab pain. It is worse when I sit down which I do all day. When I get off from work and am not seated it seems much better. The gastro doctor thinks alot of it is ibs. I recently tried accupuncture and after the first week I was pain free. I didn't realize how bad I felt before. I think I just got use to living with the pain. The pain returned after a week and then two weeks later it was gone for a week and now is back so I am not so sure if acupuncture has helped. Anway I recently tried a probotic but not much success s so far. Also, I usually only have 1 bowel movement a day but I seem to always have a hemeroid...nothing major but it is enough to make me a little uncomfortable. So I have two questions.
I am only taking Pentasa but at my next gastro visit I may ask for something else. I was wondering if anybody else has the same type of pain and what works for them. It is more of a discomfort so I was hoping to avoid going on a steroid.
Secondly, does anybody ever get any tingling in their feet? It usually happens after a bowel movement and can last all day. I was wondering if there was any type of nerve in the rectum that could run down to the feet. I saw a proctologist a couple of years ago and she didn't think I was bad enough to have anything done but did say I could go back if it continued.
Thanks for your help.