Thanks for the suggestion. I will ask my hubby to try the frozen peas on his knees - I think he'll try it as long as he can stuff it in those wrap things he got to put the gel packs in.
In the meantime, he got his 6 week remicade today, and is still on 40 mgs of pred. The cortisone shot + the pred are keeping his knee effusion down. I know it probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it really seems like the compression with the ace bandage is keeping the effusion from building up. I think it's kinda like when you eat too much for a while, your stomach expands, and then when you reduce your intake, you still have the urge to keep eating and you get hungry because your stomach is all stretched out. I wonder if that can happen with the synovial sac - it got all stretched out with the large knee effusions, and is not back to size yet, and will take a while to shrink. I know it sounds like a load of crap
What do you folks think?
I'm going to go sleep now, and I hope I'll wake up to my husband's knee back to normal size (but I am probably setting myself up for disappointment there). But improvement would be nice.
Have a good night folks.