A friend told me about this thread, so thought I would mosey on over. I usually post over on the ostomy forum.
I have situs inversus...all my organs are reversed. They didn't find this out until I was 11 yrs old...I am now 67. I don't think it had anything to do with my ulcerative proctitis. My paternal grandmother died from cancer of the rectum and my dad suffered with diverticulitis, so digestive problems run in my family. Situs inversus is very rare and it is just a phenomenon of nature.
After suffering with UP for twelve years, I had a total colectomy with end ileostomy in 2010 and never looked back. I feel great!
Having your intestines reversed shouldn't have any impact on your surgery. My surgeon told me I was the only patient he had ever come across with this condition and he was in practice over 30 yrs when he operated on me at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philly. He said, "No problem, I just stood on the opposite side of the bed."